Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My American Bulldog,Dozer

This is my dog,Dozer. We picked him up at a local breeder not far from our town. He was so cute. Greened eyes,skinny and had floppy ears. My husband called him alien.
I have always wanted English Bulldog,but my husband said that English Bulldogs are high maintenance. They have so many problem,skin allergy,ear infection,yeast infection...you name it.
So,we agreed to get American Bulldog, before we got him, i collected informations about this breed. They say that Am. Bulldogs have good temperament,even though they are powerful they are naturally gentle. And most of all that i wanted to know that they don't have as many problem as the English Bulldog. So,American Bulldog it was...We brought Dozer home,he fell asleep in my arm while we drove home. He was gonna miss his mommy,sisters and aunties.

Look at Dozer as a puppy,he didn't look that he's got that bulldog features. Puppy Dozer was a very good pup, very smart and learnt fast. We only had 2 times "accident" inside the house. He always sat by the door everytime he wanted to go potty.
I am so proud of my baby!

Dozer,8 months,got bigger and looked different. He has become a handsome boy!

Dozer today,3 y/o,80 pounds. We call him Meathead, egghead and many more names,he does not know his real name.
I love Dozer,even though we found out that Dozer has many problem,he's got food allergy,sensitive skin and ear infection that come and go. Never once Dozer cries,he lays down on his side when he sees me with ear flush in my hand. He understand that i take care of him.

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